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Our carers’ Compassion, Dedication, and commitment make us different. Many clients have said their carer feels like a relative, friend, or kind neighbor. It was always our hope when starting out that the family values underpinning the agency would be evident in the care we provide. By adopting values-based recruitment methods we select carers who genuinely desire to deliver excellent care and make a difference. Before being placed with a service user all carers undergo thorough screening, training, and induction, we ensure all staff have
- • Current clear DBS certificates (criminal reference checks)
- • Where applicable specialist training such as peg feeding, suctioning, palliative/end-of-life care (if required)
- • Certificate of completion for Support Worker training (including moving and handling, Safeguarding, medication, H&S, and Dementia to name a few)
- • Certification of any previous care-related training undertaken
- • Two references

Training and development are critical to ensuring our service remains person-centered and compliant with regulatory and best practice standards. Each carer receives regular 121s, supervision, and personal development plans to support their care provision and career aims.
Our care team reflects the diverse communities we support, we consider ourselves a melting pot of ethnicity, gender, race, cultures, religion, and languages. As an equal opportunity employer, this is extremely important to us and also forms a significant part of our person-centered approach to care, where we place the carer based on the service user’s care needs, and personal preferences.
If you would like to join our unique and inclusive team please contact us.