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Health and social care training are vital to the retention of care workers and improving and maintaining standards. At Trinity Healthcare Plus, we provide ongoing training and continued professional development opportunities for all our staff. Our training courses enable our team to provide person-centered, high-quality care that meets Care Quality Commission standards, from mandatory training to additional skills for care modules. The Care Certificate is based on 16 standards, all of which individuals need to complete in full before they can be awarded the certificate:
- 1. Understand your role
- 2. Your personal development
- 3. Duty of care
- 4. Equality and diversity
- 5. Work in a person-centered way
- 6. Communication
- 7. Privacy and dignity
- 8. Fluids and nutrition
- 9. Awareness of mental health, dementia, and learning disability
- 10. Safeguarding adults
- 11. Safeguarding children
- 12. Basic life support
- 13. Health and Safety
- 14. Handling information
- 15. Infection prevention and control
- 16. Moving and handling
- We also have face-to-face training, and we can provide NVQ 2 (National Vocation Qualification) and NVQ 3 training for our carers. For more information, please contact our team.